About this website
Welcome to this web site. This website is for giving information about different types of cooking method which will help you to cook easy and fast cooking. Further I will come back with latest and new cooking method from which you can learn to cook fast and furiously cooking.
This is for not only non vegetarian it is also for vegetarian food also . I give always best and easy way to live with both life house life and office life. Which is best for both male and female.

Dear friends we always  do the best for you to provide best information . Food is the best way to prove our talents, in this platform we can achieve the right way to show ourselves. 

We think that every person in the world like to eat delicious food . And for that want to cook delicious food also but lack of knowledge they can't do that.
So we manage every thing and make this website for personally for those who have not knowledge to cook delicious food .
We have both section to give information about different types of cooking method .We have a other page about vegetarian food and other one is for non vegetarian food . For that different types of religions can learn about cooking and get knowledge of cooking tips. 

About Me
hello friends! in this blog we provide our best to help you in cooking sector.
we are glad to help you for giving information.

I am director of this site & my name is Reshma khan. I'm a teacher of computer education.
I have teach many student and now i just want to give my knowledge to other who are not my student.

I hope that this site will give you a best knowledge of cooking. and all of you will be get best experiacne.
friends this is best opportunity for me that I can help people,those I don't know and he/she 
will get help form me.
this site giving you best knowledge of cooking and update you to live in information technology's world.     

if you have any trouble or problem you can contact us.

हमारे बारे   में  
नमस्कार दोस्तों ! इस ब्लॉग में हमने आपकी पूरी मदत करने   का पूरा प्रयास किया है | 
हमे ख़ुशी  की हम आपकी मदत cooking  क्षेत्र में कर पा रहे है | 

मैं  इस साइट  की डायरेक्टर हुँ |   मेरा नाम  रेशमा  खान हैं | मैं  एक कम्प्यूटर टीचर हूँ | 
उम्मीद है कि  आपको मेरे दुवारा दी गई जानकारी पसंद आई है |
आप सभी को इस वेबसाइट से काफी लाभ होगा मैं इस वेबसाइट के जरिये आपको cooking
की सूचनाओं से अपडेट करती रहूंगी |

इस ब्लॉग पर विजिट करने के लिए धन्यवाद् |



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